Social distancing doesn't have to be boring! Grab a beer and talk about nerd culture with other geeks at this weekly online get-together.
Even for nerds, spending this much time alone in our apartments is getting old pretty quick. Miss interacting with actual humans? Solution found.
At these weekly hangouts, we'll get together on Zoom to discuss one item of geek culture (a movie, TV show, comic, etc). We'll pick each week's discussion topic ahead of time, everybody will watch or read it, and then we'll all argue about the inane stuff we love to argue about. Is this season of Altered Carbon melodramatic garbage, or does the cameo from Lieutenant Gaeta salvage the show? Which character from Clone Wars would be the best subject of their own spin-off series? Will George RR Martin ever finish ASOIAF, or has the entire series been one long prank on the global nerd community?
If this sounds like the WhatsApp conversations you're having with your friends right now, then it's time to have some face to face conversations with actual humans. Get a beer and get ready.
8:30pm June 23 (Tue) – Debate: Best Villain of All Time